Friday, October 15, 2010

Chickens on T.V.

This week I was interview for a new T.V. show called my Backyard. They were interested in our chickens. I guess its time for an update on project chicken. It turns out chickens are really easy to keep in your backyard. From my experience most of the problems people are talking about are not true at all. Three chickens don't smell, we have had no problems with rats as every thing is secure, they do make noise but less than crows and no more than other birds in the yard. On the other side if you let them run around your yard they will crap all over your deck, if there in the sun fly's will swarm around there poop. Answer is to keep them in an area that's all ways shaded. If they get into your garden they are not going to weed it for you, there going to eat every thing, then crap it out and attract fly's because your garden is in the sun. So in short, keep them in the shade. Don't let your neighbours have a clear line of sight to them, out of sight out of mind right. Keep water and feeders hung to keep out dirt and poop. Keep the caged part of the run covered to keep it dry in the rain, a dry run makes healthy chickens. And do not let them near your radishes! Chickens can fly and they will cross the road.

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