Wednesday, April 14, 2010

No more wasted wine

All those years of wasted wine, that little bit left in the bottom of the bottle. I've all ways wanted to turn that wine into vinegar but never knew how. I mean I knew it really was just old wine but are you ready to let a wine bottle sit open for a few months and then toss your salad with it when it starts to smell ripe?
I had come to learn you need the "mother", a the bacterial jelly that fights off the bad stuff and facilitates the 2nd fomentation. Well finding the mother is hard and after I thought I had it turns out you don't need i any way. All you have to do stop by your local home brew wine store and pick up some brewers yeast! But that's for another post, this post is about wine with the mother.
I noticed on a bottle of unpasteurised organic cider vinegar a had around that is said it had the mother still in the bottle. I was sceptical as you can starve the mother over time if you don't feed it with fresh wine. Turns out I was right. I chopped open the bottle eger to find that precious blob, nothing. Some sediment and maybe, maybe a few strands of slime. So I sterilised a mason jar pored in some left over wine and added the 3 strands of slime with a bit of that vinegar. Covered the jar with cheese cloth and tightened the outer ring.
We'll see what happens in the next few weeks, I'll keep you updated. As for the future I'll be stopping by the wine store for some yeast.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh no, we had a jar of vinegar that grew some white glob before we even cracked it open. I JUST got rid of it because I was sure it had gone bad. If I would have know... that glob filled bottle would be in the mail to you first thing in the morning!
    Next glob is yours, promise, this is not the first glob I've managed to grow and I'm sure not the last
